
Monkeyflower Ranch


Home of Garden Variety Cheese

1481 San Miguel Canyon Rd. Royal Oaks CA 95076

Monkeyflower Ranch is a 40-acre farm located in Royal Oaks. Originally purchased by Rebecca King and family in 2008, Monkeyflower specializes in sheep, pig and poultry products. The farm's name comes from the sticky monkeyflower (Mimulus aurantiacus), a plant native to coastal California that is found in abundance throughout the ranch. The ranch is home to 100 milking ews that produce a rich sweet milk perfect for making cheese & yogurt. In 2009 Rebecca began commercial milking and cheese production for her farmstead cheese business, Garden Variety Cheese.

You can find their cheese and yogurt at Bay Area and Central Coast farmers markets, restaurants and retail locations. The farm animals are naturally raised without antibiotics, hormones, steroids or chemical interventions. At Monkeyflower Ranch producing high quality meat and dairy products has always been based on land stewardship and holistic management.

Tour Description

Saturday, October 8
Guided Tours start at 11:00, 11:45, 12:30, 1:15, 2:00, and 2:45
Farm has an Open House format for people to visit between the hours of 10am & 4pm.
Pre-registration for a tour time is required.
Tour cost is $10 per person

Guided tours include the animal areas, milking barn, cheese making facility & cave. The baby chicks and piglets are always popular! Cheese tastings as well as food and farm products will be available for sale.

Click HERE to Register & Purchase Tickets

Products for sale

Sandwiches and farm made popsicles will be for sale. People are welcome to bring their own picnics.

A full selection of Garden Variety brand cheese, yogurt & meat will be available for sale.

Know Your Farmer - Know Your Food


“We are very passionate
about what we produce
and we want to pass this
on to you"

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